Link Roundup: Redefining Rape and the Feminist Blogosphere

Due to its increasing wage gap and gender inequalities, Israel was ranked 55th on World Economic Forum’s 2011 Global Gender Gap Index. Israel, which was ranked 52nd on last year’s report, now falls behind less developed countries, including Mozambique, Mongolia and Kyrgystan, while the United States was ranked 17th. [Jerusalem Post]

On a similar note, Merav Michaeli reported that while women make up more than two-thirds of Israel’s expendable, subcontracted workers, the gender wage gap is only 11%, as opposed to “30% average differential in the economy.” [Haaretz]

Lilith author Sarah Erdreich shared that the Occupy Wall Street Movement is reminiscent of the 1960s women’s movement because of “its energy, audacity, and sense of limitless possibility.” [Feminists for Choice]

This year’s Forward 50 was once again male dominated, as women made up less than one-third of the list. Forward editor Jane Eisner attributed this to “the absence of women in significant leadership roles in American Jewry.” She also stated, “it also could be because we weren’t looking in the right places.” [The Forward]

On a more positive note, 30 of the 60 Jewish organizations named to the Slingshot Fund’s 2011-2012 nominees are lead by women. [The Sisterhood]

A new study found that over the past five years, there have been 462 agunot — women whose husbands refuse to grant them a Jewish divorce — in the U.S. and Canada. Most of the agunot were categorized as younger women with children trying to leave a first marriage. [NY Jewish Week]

A new club at Solomon Schechter School of Westchester has found a new way to bring the Torah to life with Midrash manicures. [NY Times]

Esther Dominissini was named as the first female chairman of Hadassah Medical Organization’s Board of Directors. [Hadassah]

In honor of Transgender Day of Remembrance on November 20th, Keshet published “A Jewish Guide to Marking Transgender Day of Remembrance.” [Keshet]