Link Roundup: Same-Sex Marriage and Fighting the "War on Women"

Over 200 military sexual assault survivors gathered together on Tuesday for the first-ever summit on military sexual violence. Unfortunately, sexual assault is rarely reported in the military. The Pentagon estimated that 19,000 sexual assaults that took place last year, however only 3,192 cases of sexual assault were actually reported. The summit, which was sponsored by the Service Women’s Action Network, allowed sexual assault survivors to meet with U.S. lawmakers in an effort to end the sexual violence in the military. [Washington Post] & [Huffington Post]

Last month, the Violence Against Women Act Reauthorization passed in the U.S. Senate by a vote of 68-31. The bill featured new provisions to protect specific groups, including undocumented immigrants, members of the LGBT community, and Native American tribes. [Huffington Post]

Rabbi Sally Priesand, the first female rabbi in America, reflected on her experience as she approaches the 40th anniversary of her ordination. [eJewish Philanthropy]

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