Author: Yona Zeldis McDonough

Fran Is Just Fine

This was a story that had particular resonance for me.  I grew up in Brooklyn, in a lower-middle-class neighborhood amidst many Jews. We kids all went to the local public school; the Catholics in our ‘hood, Italian and Irish mostly, went to the parochial school. There was no particular animosity there but there wasn’t that much interaction either.  

The Fraught and Frayed Bonds of Sisterhood

I wanted the characters in The Wartime Sisters to be imperfect and layered, to make good and bad choices, to be difficult, to fail, and also to grow. It’s important to me that people recognize pieces of themselves and their family members when they read about Ruth and Millie.

One Book, Three Protagonists…and Three Authors!

A novel with three main protagonists and three different time periods is not so uncommon.  But when that book is written by three different authors, that’s pretty unusual.

The Power of Humor for Smashing the Patriarchy

Historically, [women] haven’t been allowed to be members of the Country Clubs and smoky back rooms where real power sits. That’s the tragedy. The genius of comedy, if you can make it work, is taking tragedy and holding it up to a funhouse mirror so it’s no longer scary, but rather funny.