Author: Yona Zeldis McDonough

A Love Affair With Barthes’ Words

Lilith’s Yona Zeldis McDonough talks to author Edie Meidav about her unique and transdisciplinary novel, Another Love Discourse.

Remembering Lori Zabar

Nora Ephron called Zabar’s, “The most rambunctious and chaotic of all delicatessens, with one foot in the Old World and the other in the vanguard of every fast-breaking food move in the city.”  Lori Zabar had a keen appreciation for both the old and the new and as such, she was the perfect chronicler for this story. 

Novelist Lauren Belfer Examines the Past

Novelist and winner of the National Jewish Book Award Lauren Belfer chats with Fiction Editor Yona Zeldis McDonough about the many ways looking at the past can shape and inform our view of the present.

Food for Thought: A New Anthology Digs In

“When I eat a knish, when I drink a chocolate egg cream, when I butter a board of matzoh, I feel connected to my heritage and generations of my family.”