Author: Yona Zeldis McDonough

Tell Me How You Got Here: An Interview With Emily Franklin

Emily Franklin is back, this time with her first collection of poetry, Tell Me How You Got Here (Terapin Books) and she chats with Fiction Editor Yona Zeldis McDonough about the many and varied sources of her inspiration. 

Life Without Lipstick

And although none of these compare even remotely to the loss of life and living, they inflict a particular kind of pain because they are set against the backdrop of such monumental tragedy. One of those small sorrows is the loss of lipstick—and by this I mean red lipstick because for me, that’s the only kind there is.

A Profound Posthumous Novel from a Very Late Bloomer

Jerusalem as a Second Language, Distelheim’s second novel, is out from Audbade on September 29, 2020 but sadly, Distelheim died on June 1 and didn’t get to savor the praise that is sure to come for her sophomore effort.