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Poetry: Eden Is an Archetype

In Honor of National Poetry Month, Lilith will be sharing original work by Jewish feminist poets throughout the first week in April. We begin in the Garden of Eden…

Puppy Love

It took more than a year of life with a dog for me to understand that I wasn’t simply looking at a creature who preferred me to all others on earth.  I was in fact looking in a mirror.

I Am Russian… In Name Only

I am not Russian, but I speak Russian. It’s a kind of nonconsensual tattoo Stalin left behind on my parents—better tattooed than dead.

Fiction: “Worms”

Spider crawls across the rim of pot. I flick it into the rain pounding down. Search the flowerbeds for squirming bodies, run my fingers gently through wet earth waiting for their silky touch.

The Challah Boys

Some unlikely visitors at my new home connected me to my Jewish roots.

Kait Ziegler of the Poor People’s Campaign

And it is truly intersectional. As a feminist, as a woman, and as a queer person of color, the campaign offers me and others like me an analysis that pushes against the distorted narratives we’ve been fed about the inevitability of poverty.

Talking Migration and Beauty with Jewelry Designer Nora Kogan

“I was so used to describing myself as a Russian. I equated being Russian with being Soviet. I discounted both my Jewish and Ukrainian identities. Why? Because I was brainwashed when I was a child. But in fact, I am not Russian. I am Jewish, Ukrainian and Australian.”

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